Why it’s time to transform your Network Infrastructure

By: Subbaram Gowra | July 17, 2020

As organizations globally, across industry segments, gear towards digital transformation many of them realize that it’s going to be a daunting task unless they adapt to more holistic approach to this transformation since company’s legacy networks usually has a single ingress/egress points to take care of the organization wide security.

Traditional infrastructure always had an integrated control and data plane, hence configuration changes had to be made manually which was time consuming and lacked agility. Network issues are also usually problematic to resolve over the traditional WANs, because legacy networks were designed for client-server environments, in which the majority of traffic went from corporate Data centres to the branch locations.

Today, users are connecting from off-campus locations, branches, discrete Mobile devices (Mobile Phones, Tablets, etc.). Further, adaptation of IoT, cloud computing coupled with “Work from Home” policies (which would only get further intensified due to unpredictable Covid-19 situation) all being network centric have created many new entry points and shifted the traffic to the edge of the network thereby creating unforeseen security challenges that directly impact the overall network performance.

This would compel many companies to place more data at the edge of their networks without having to compromise the security of the data. While this may sound simple, it’s going to be a quiet a task in practical terms as it requires rigorous enforcement around access & data compliance across the organization which will need board-level resolutions, at least for large corporations and public limited companies. Having said, even the most stringent security measures are useless if you have an underperforming network.

Therefore companies should invest time & money in transforming their network in order to succeed in their digital journey, those that don’t transform will struggle because application performance and client experience will also suffer, and the likelihood of breaches are bound to grow exponentially.

Let’s look at few aspects that every IT Leader & organization should implement in order to stay relevant & of course to add value to their clients (both internal and external).

network automation companies


Networks across organizations have been traditionally managed manually leading to the repetition of monotonous tasks thereby reducing the efficiency of network engineers. Please note, implementing network automation to reduce the number of humans is not what I meant here, rather implement network automation that correlates data from multiple appliances such as routers, switches, firewall appliances & sources like event logs, configuration files etc.  thereby providing deeper insights into performance, utilization, security and resource allocation of the IT assets ultimately enabling network engineers to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Embrace SDN

Today’s networks need to be highly agile so that changes can be propagated across the network real-time in order to keep up with the demands of the business & applications. Network agility comes from having centralized control where configuration changes can be made once and propagated across the network instantly. With an SDN, the control plane is separated from the data plane which enables the network team to define a change and push it out across the entire network.

sdn network companies
cloud computing companies

Prioritize security

With digital transformation, organizations are exposed to emerging risks ranging from DDoS, ransomware, Phishing, malware attacks etc. In order to mitigate these emerging and ever evolving threats, customers should also transform their end to end security posture of the organization with tools like multi-factor authentication(MFA), firewalls on-premises and in the cloud, end-to-end encryption etc.


Last but not the least because despite having the best of technology in place, most organization struggle to achieve agility due to lack of internal education across the functions & departments hence it’s best is to have constant education & training programs for the workforce so that they are on constant vigil & don’t fall prey for malware & phishing kind of attacks.

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GBB is a IT solutions consulting and implementation partner focused on helping customers transform their businesses through innovative use of technology by partnering with the best solution vendors. “Customer delight” is what we firmly believe in & practice this philosophy day in & out.

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High performance computing: Changing the world with speed, efficiency and accuracy

Do you have a sprawling university campus where thousands of students are trying to solve complex problems like climate change, social security or precision medicine? or do you have thousands of researchers working on an AI-based technology to fuel India’s next space mission?

You might already know that a high-performance computing (HPC) solution is what you must look for! But how would you ensure that you have the HPC solution with the efficiency and accuracy you need? How will you integrate a HPC solution with your existing systems? How would you be able to scale your existing system to achieve the desired outcome? Or alternately build a solution ground up like a green field project?

Let us look at how a HPC cluster could help you.


A high performance computing cluster could be your propulsion fuel

With a multitude of cores and processors, a huge memory, high-speed networking and large data storage, a HPC cluster can significantly increase accuracy and speed of your computing system. It can run advanced, large-scale parallel computing application programs with an accelerated efficiency, thus delivering a dramatic boost in throughput and cost savings.

high performance computing companies in hyderabad

Which sectors should deploy high performance computing solutions?

Whether you are into sectors such as space science, medical science, environmental science, oil and gas, media and entertainment or, you have a technology institution; HPC clusters, Graphic processing Unit (GPU) clusters and visualization clusters can help you achieve high speed computation, or to tackle high resolution and real time simulations.


What should you look for in a high performance computing (HPC) solution provider?

Depending on your requirement, ideal high-performance computing solution providers put together a custom solution with the best of technology from across the globe.

If you are looking for a high performance computing solution provider, make sure that they have the following:

Dedicated teams: A dedicated team focused on working out a solution based on your needs & pain areas, is better than opting for an existing solution that may/may not be as nuanced.

Agile solutions: With the amount of data that needs to be processed, solutions need to be agile and adaptable. Deployment of alternate algorithms and software, if and when required, could save a lot of time and effort.

Brand agnostic vendors: Rather than working with vendors who offer proprietary solutions of specific providers, go for high-performance computing solution providers that are vendor agnostic in nature having deep domain expertise along with wide partnerships with industry leading hpc vendors like INTEL ,Dell EMC , IBM, HP, NVidia ,Super micro.


GBB’s HPC solutions

GBB, an end-to-end IT infrastructure solutions provider, focusing on consulting, design, deployment and management of end to end IT Infrastructure solutions that are innovative and cost-optimized.

HPC solutions deployed by GBB are being used extensively by various reputed technical universities across India.  HPC solutions are designed & deployed based on the nature of requirement , workloads and applications.

With a pool of experienced engineers and dedicated teams, GBB’s HPC solutions combine the best of technology and human minds to help customers focus on doing what they do best - changing the world.

Voice of our customers


AI and HPC: The Merger That Will Make Room For More Innovation

Technology has had a history of numerous products that were developed for one task and later they were tweaked or merged with one or more technologies for providing a better solution to a whole different problem.

We are going to talk about a similar case here that has brought a revolution in the IT industry.

The merger of High-Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence can be a good thing for the computer industry as the systems can become cheaper.

Just imagine this – the common hardware base which is the computer, network and storage when deployed for modern high-performance computing and AI systems, will bring down the research and development costs.


The research and development will occur on a single system instead of two different systems. However, this is just one of the benefits that the merger of AI and high-performance computing can bring. The benefits are plenty and it becomes essential to know the reasons that triggered the HPC and AI convergence at the first place.

1. HPC and AI are Meant to Flourish

Technology has a history of expiring ideas which are not being able to cope up with the market. We have also been the witness to various technologies diminishing as and when something superior launched and seized the market. There is no turning back once users adapt to a new technology better and faster than the older one. However, with HPC and AI, this is certainly not the case. Since their inventions, they have only become more and more powerful and well-equipped.

The discovery of hyper-converged infrastructure not only allowed users like major companies to consolidate their compute, networking, and storage at one place but also equip them with the most powerful technology to manage operations at a single platform. Accepting the fact that HPC users have gathered all the knowledge and abilities to converting a workload to a large base of customers is the best option to go with right now. What must also be accepted is that Artificial Intelligence still has a long way to go and it is still in its early stages with innovation knocking on the door.

2. The Data to be Managed by HPC is increasing and AI is Helping us Understand the Data with Ease

Have you wondered what’s the use of these supercomputers? Well, there are many companies with huge workloads that have to manage data in plenty each second. Identical data has to be run millions of times to process the information and this is where supercomputers come into use. The value of HPC systems is immense which is sufficient to justify the need for the speed of supercomputers.

The data being generated at workplaces is so huge at times that many high-performance computing users even claim that it is the huge data that people in the early 90s were talking about. With the increase in the amount of data, the efficiency of supercomputers is also increasing.

AI comes into the picture when the enormous data being produced is to be transformed into an easily understood format. AI could do this job with ease on its own separate system built for that specific purpose. What’s hectic is the time and resources required to move the huge amount of data from the infrastructure where the data is being produced to the AI system. Hence, a system where the HPC and AI can be merged to save a considerable amount of time, data and resources is the practical option to go with for your company.

3. AI-based Models are capable of replacing various computational tasks in a simulation

What does a workplace require in the 21st century? Models that are huge enough to handle all the data and speed that is fast enough to read all the data being produced.

AI has enabled workspaces across the world to analyze simulation data with speed and efficiency, no doubt! Apart from this, it has also given users an option that can easily replace the expensive computational parts in a workspace.

As an example, let’s consider this. Scientists have finally been able to land themselves on a method that can efficiently replace the old system they used to study collision data. Scientists have replaced the Monte Carlo methods with generative adversarial networks (GANs). Now they have a system which can give them more accurate results while measuring particle energy.

The AI code has successfully replaced the old system by producing similar results at a faster pace.

4. The data in the Enterprises will increase which is Obvious

Enterprises are finding it hard to manage huge data and are taking resort to install numerous systems that can efficiently administer the same. Scientists have been busy in determining various data analytics techniques to help enterprises. And sadly the techniques they came up with is not proficient at times as they are totally reliant on human data-interpreting.

Human judgement is still irreplaceable but AI can help humans with working on recurring data that require a lot of calculation. Imagine your employees mishandling all the data that is flowing in your company’s servers ignoring other tasks on hand. The environment won’t only become complex, but the overall productivity will also decrease.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is making its mark in the market and the influx of data is only going to increase. With all such predictions, it becomes extremely essential for enterprises to adopt AI-enabled technology and an environment where AI and high-performance computing can work together saving the time, costs, space and also increasing the overall productivity.

5. IT Managers All over the World are Looking for Architectures that can Perform the Tasks at a Centralized Location

The history of technology has seen a change in the way data centres were created and managed after the advent of virtualization. The same applies to various IT managers as slowly and gradually, most of them are making a shift to architectures that are capable of handling complex plethora of data. If you are still lingering on with the custom architectures that have a narrow range of workload, then your enterprise might be in grave danger to get sidetracked by your competitor who has already made the move.

This must not be hard to believe after numerous companies have adopted hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI) to get a more flexible architecture where they can easily manage their tasks of compute, networking, and storage all at the same place.

HPC and AI, when merged together for an enterprise, data preparation and handling can be done on a single platform easily and effectively. IT managers realize the need for a merged system.

To sum up,

We know that both high-performance computing and AI have much to offer to the world and both of these are marvellous in their work and capabilities. The potentials that AI and HPC carry with each other can be the best compliment and provide unique and unparalleled support to each other.

After you have reached this far, it is natural for you to ask about the benefits that favour the merger of HPC and AI prediction. As an industry expert, for long we won’t end this blog without answering this critical question.

1. The Merger will Provide More Efficiency

Deep Learning or DL is the faster-growing field in AI as compared to Machine Learning or ML. The success of AI can largely be credited to its efficiency in analyzing enormous data in a short period. AI can solve a wide range of problems for various industries. The merger is only going to make the process more efficient in analyzing and managing the computing all at the same place at a high speed.

2. The Merger will Give Birth to Newer and Faster Solutions

The innovations will be unstoppable and so will the data that is being produced. The merger will increase the possibility and the range of discoveries to put a faster and better solution in customer’s hands.

Data is the king and the enterprise that will be more efficient and fast in dealing with the enormous data that is about to come in will be the big player in the market. The merger of high-performance computing and artificial intelligence promises a massive gain in performance as compared to the traditional system with separate architecture for both.

GBB is an end-to-end IT Infrastructure Solutions and Services Company based in Hyderabad. We focus on helping customers transform their businesses through the innovative use of technology. We have the aim of providing our clients with excellent service by partnering with the best vendors in the respective areas.

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